Th13 War Base Layout With Link


Giga Tesla

Unlocked at Town Hall 12, the Giga Tesla is an addition to the Town Hall that allows it to defend itself when attacked.

The Giga Tesla will deploy once damaged by a troop or spell, or when the village has reached 51% destruction. It is not deployed by a troop moving into the Tesla’s range.

Troops that target defenses (Giants, Balloons, etc.) will not prioritize the Town Hall 12 as a target until the Giga Tesla is active.

Main article: Town Hall/Giga Inferno

Giga Inferno

Unlocked at Town Hall 13, the Giga Inferno is a direct upgrade that replaces the Giga Tesla while adding a slowdown effect upon destruction at level 3+ and having more potential to be upgraded. Everything else like activation and defense targeting troops' behavior with the weapon is exactly the same as Giga Tesla.

A level 1 Giga Inferno has the same statistics as a max Giga Tesla, the only difference is the attack speed

Upgrade Differences

The Town Hall undergoes significant visual changes at levels all levels except 5 and 6.

At level 1, the Town Hall has a crooked orange roof with a small stone chimney. The windows, entrance, walls, and poles are all made out of wood.

At level 2, the Town Hall gets the roof tiled and raised slightly with orange and has the walls "straightened out" and made of stone. The bottom of the corner poles and window walls are now made of stone.

At level 3, another layer with a flat tiled roof gets added to the top.

At level 4, a third plain non-tiled layer and a fourth tiled layer gets added to the top. The chimney shifts to the front left.

At level 5, a stone framing gets added to the entrance and windows. The rest of the corner poles and window walls are finished with stone.

At level 6, small golden pillars appear on the sides of the Town Hall with vines that partially cover the walls along with the pillars.

At level 7, a small battlement with a wooden floor gets added to the back left corner of the roof. Underneath the battlements are what appear to be arrow slits.

At level 8, the battlement grows to the size of the whole roof, and the golden pillars connect with the front wall and turn to stone. The chimney also disappears, and since there is no chimney, there is no smoke coming from the Town Hall.

At level 9, the theming of the Town Hall changes. The entire color of the Town Hall changes to dark grey with a red flag on the top. An entrance into the Town Hall from the roof appears, similar to the one on the Level 5 Clan Castle. A small watchtower appears on the top left, and there is a new extended red entryway leading into the Town Hall, flanked with two gold chains. There is also a skull added as a door design. If noticed carefully, both front corners of the Town Hall have carved Level 7 Walls.

At level 10, the color of the Town Hall changes to a deep crimson red. On top of the Town Hall, there is a metal grate. A second watchtower is added beside the first, and molten lava spills from two openings near the top of the tower down to a trough at the base of the Town Hall. The red carpet entryway receives gold trim.

At level 11, the Town Hall's base changes to rough stone. The entrance becomes golden and a gate consisting of three huge spikes supported by a winch system is added above it. The roof becomes white and gains a large, lava-filled hole. Two small battlements with red flooring appear on the front of the roof, and a single watchtower remains on the back. The interior of the building appears to be brightly lit, presumably from the lava on the roof. A red flag is added back to a corner of the Town Hall, this time on the upper corner.

At level 12, the Town Hall's theme becomes blue. Town Hall 12 is the first Town Hall with multiple visual upgrades with each level gaining new features depending on the level of the Giga Tesla inside.

When the Town Hall is newly upgraded to level 12 (with a level 1 Giga Tesla), it appears as a blue building with a metallic base. The roof of the Town Hall has a faint gold line running across. On the sides are gold wires connecting to an electric coil above the door. Two large pieces of gold above the electric coil is placed as decorations. There is a big battery on the side with a Roman numeral signifying the level of the Giga Tesla (which will increase accordingly in later upgrades), with black wires going into the top of the Town Hall. The watchtower and battlements on the top are gone and the roof is now once again closed but gains a trapdoor where the Giga Tesla hides underneath. Additionally, the flag at the corner is now blue.

At level 13 the Town Hall gets a really bright turquoise and blue color scheme, unlike normal inferno, towers the Giga Inferno is turquoise and blue like the town hall the base of the town hall depends on the Giga Inferno's level.

When the Town Hall is newly upgraded to level 13 (with a level 1 Giga Inferno), it appears as a turquoise building with a black base. The top is turquoise and has a wooden pyramid shape in the center cut out into four corners. Each piece is attached to the rest of the roof via two black attachments. Those connect onto a purple square outline with an actual square at each corner. At the very edge are icy blue arrow shaped slabs that connect black corner-pieces to each of them. The flag is gone. The 2 gold pieces are reversed in order and now directly above the entrance. All wires are gone and the roman numerals that signify the Giga Inferno Level are now higher up and glowing. The corner pillars are now snow-colored and have a black bottom as well as 2 lavender-colored half triangular prisms with navy blue spikes. There are also smaller side pillars with one prism spike piece.

Th13 War Base Layout With Link Th13 War Base Layout With Link Reviewed by CLASH OF CLAN on October 10, 2020 Rating: 5
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